My Favorite Things, Posts

Life’s Bucket List

Almost everyone seems to have a bucket list of some sort or another. But I don’t….at least not the “traditional” bucket list….and I’ll tell you why…for me…anyway. Life, as we all know, is full of ups and downs….twists and turns…and then throw in a surprise or two. Oh, sure…I want to travel…learn new things…enjoy new adventures….meet new people…and make new friends….but I don’t need to have a list all of those things….where all of that is concerned…I will let life …

Family, My Favorite Things, Posts

If Your Pet Could Talk

We all love our pets…and we have all different kinds of pets at that. From…dogs and cats….to rabbit and guinea pigs…just to name a very few…plain and simple….we all love our pets. We have always had dogs in our home….and the two that own my heart are our miniature schnauzers…Riley and Baxter. For being the smallest things in our home….they are actually the “heads-of-household”….and I often feel like they know just that! But why are we so attached to our …


It’s April Fools Day!!

April Fool’s Day…or for some All Fool’s Day… annual custom that is celebrated on April 1st…that consists of practical jokes and hoaxes. The way this works is that the practical joker or player of the hoax will often expose themselves by shouting out, “April Fool’s” at the recipient of the joke or hoax. The recipient in return is called April Fools! Some people will go to the extreme for their pranks and jokes by including multiple people to pull off …

My Favorite Things, Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration

Power In Prayer

Living Through Tough Times Well, I’m sure that we can all say that our current living situation is definitely one for the books……yes….you guessed it…I’m talking about the Covid-19…Corona Virus. This current situation is stressful…times 1000! It crept into our lives in the last few weeks….and has since had a domino effect that has affected our daily work…school…economy….simply put…our lives….as we once knew it. I know that it feels like there is no end in sight and that the world …

Awards, Posts

Fix Her Crown Award

Where do I begin really? I have been blessed…three times fold to be nominated on three separate occasions…that’s right…three times…I am overwhelmed with pride….and each nomination was just days away from each other…for this lovely award…“Fix Her Crown”. So at this time…it’s with great pleasure that I say….allow me to introduce you to these three wonderful women….each of which nominated me. Esme of EsmeSalon …..Kim of KimsDIYtribe and last…but certainly not least…Denise of Manyfacetsoflife. What can I say…these wonderful women…I …


The Best Parts Of Me

You say…that you don’t know me….well…I am okay with that…but here is the thing…you don’t really have to ask….you know…I only ask….is that you try and find out for yourself. It’s rather easy really…you simply get to know…me…that’s it. See…there you go…it’s that easy. There are so many layers to me….but for me….I think that my heart is truly my best feature….my “best-layer” if you will. We all have so many…many layers to ourselves…but it’s what we chose to do …

Family, Posts

All Tapped Out

You know that feeling you get when you have a million things going on…your mind is running on overdrive and you don’t really know if you’re coming or you’re going? We’ve all experienced it..when your plate of “to-do” stuff is overflowing and you feel that there just isn’t enough time in the day. Well…welcome to my world…because I am all tapped out! It’s my own fault….this is an absolute fact…because I’m a perfectionist and always strive for just that…but it …

My Favorite Things, Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration

My Heart It’s An Open Book

That’s right….you read the title right…..because…my heart….it’s an open book…but if you’ve read any of my other posts…then this should not come as any surprise to you at all. It’s simply my nature…it just who I am…and it’s the way I feel. I must confess…I wear my heart on my sleeve…that may sound “sappy”…but if you know me…and I mean really know me..then you will know just that. I have so many faults when it comes to my heart…. for …

My Favorite Things, Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration

For The Very First Time…

We experience something new for the very first time every single day….as trivial as it may be….we just do. It’s part of life….a way of life…..simply a part of living. But it’s what we do with all of our “firsts” in life that really matter the most. A Simple Smile…A Simple Hello It’s true really…..if you think about it. As simple… and as innocent as a smile or even saying hello to someone can be…well it can change your world….or …

Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration

Won’t You…Be My Valentine

Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day…also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine…is celebrated on February 14. Originating as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two saints named Valentinus, Valentine’s Day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and romantic love in many regions around the world. (Wikipedia) All About Cupid So here is a bit of information on cupid. In classical mythology, Cupid which means “desire” is the god of desire…erotic …

Awards, Posts

Blogger Recognition Award

As you might imagine…I was completely surprised and honored to be nominated by a very dear blogger friend…that I truly look up to and admire with her work and you will too. Esme such a lovely soul…with an amazing heart…and I am almost certain that you too, will agree with me once you visit her lovely blog…EsmeSalon. Her recipes are “to die for” and her dedication to fellow bloggers is “over the top.” She truly is an inspiration. I …

Awards, Posts

Mystery Blogger Award

Double Nomination! I am extremely honored and very blessed to have been nominated….not once…but twice…by two very kind and talented bloggers. Before I begin, allow me to introduce both bloggers that nominated me. First, there is April Key Rode and her beautiful travel blog is RodesOnTheRoad. Not only is she one of the sweetest people that you will ever meet…her blog is wonderful…full of travels from near and far that include her beautiful family. Next, I would love to introduce …