Don’t Stress About It! Can you believe it? August 1st was here like a week ago, and now it’s already September! Seriously, where does the time go? Kids have just barely started back to school when everywhere you look you will see not only Haloween candy and decorations but Christmas decorations lurking on the very last aisle of Target and Walmart and even on the shelves of Things Remembered just to name a few places. But there’s no need to …
Tender Is The Night
Dim The Lights When you think about the night, the first thing that comes to mind is sleep. Yet, there is so much more to the evening hours that turn into night. Late in the evening….have you ever just grabbed a good book curled up on the couch with your favorite fluffy blanket and let your mind run away with the characters in your book? I have on an occasion or two and it’s wonderful. The house is still, with …
I Remember When…
Where do I begin? I have so many memories locked away that I sometimes feel that the emotional wave of memories can cascade out, just like Niagara Falls. I have a coworker, Rose she is so very dear to my heart. Almost daily she and I will reminisce about so many things from growing up as young girls to young women “dancing the night away”! Those were the days! The Good Old Days Times have changed so much, that I …
Oh…Those Pete Peeves!
Where do I even begin? This post is going to be fun…I hope that you enjoy my “Pet Peeve Ride!” So, sit back…relax, and by all means, please leave a comment with your personal pet peeve in case I miss it! What is a Pete Peeve you ask? Well, a pet peeve is something that a particular person finds especially annoying. It is something that someone can’t resist complaining about. It’s something that drives you nuts and you need to …
Life’s Highway…It’s A Journey
From the day that you were born…..the journey begins. It’s a journey that will be filled with love, laughter, sorrow, excitement, anger, happiness and disappointment. These things, plus so many more emotions. But did you know that your life’s journey is already predestined? Well, it is… from beginning to end. It’s what’s in between, that you can change…to a degree. All of our lives we are learning…always absorbing everything that we can. This is the journey of our lives…..learning and …
Friends…Angels In Disguise
What Is A Friend? Believe it or not. There are several types of friends. Chances are… you have and are one of each. No matter where you fall in the friend category, just know that Friends…are “Angels in Disguise.” Friend is…A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. They have a true understanding of each other. With an abundance of love and support. A “True Friend” …
Back To School….Already?
How can that be? Wasn’t it like the beginning of summer break not that long ago? It seems to me like time is flashing by at warp speed. I’m beginning to realize it even more now the older that I get. Have you noticed that mid-way into July all of the stores, Walmart and Target just to name a couple of places already have school supplies out? It’s amazing how that works. Most people haven’t even taken their “family” vacation …
Classic Romance Romeo and Juliette…..most everyone loves a good romance novel, I sure do. However, this one didn’t fare so well in the end. But the meaning behind it is the same for so many people…….finding love and romance. Romance a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. “in search of romance” a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life. an exciting, enjoyable love affair, especially one that is not serious or long-lasting. a book …
Happy Independence Day America!!
It’s July 4th……Happy Birthday, America!! Today we celebrate your Independence. But wait a minute….let’s just back up a little bit. Did you know that July 4, 1776, was not the day that the Continental Congress decided to declare Independence? That happened on July 2, 1776. Also, it wasn’t the day that Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of The Declaration of Independence. That was June 1776, and it wasn’t the date it was signed. That was August 2, 1776. Do …
Life After Loss..Healing Grief
There simply are no words. Nothing can really be said that can lift the pain that cuts to the core of your very being. It’s a pain that is never expected, can never really be prepared for and never want. But it is a part of life, and it happens every day……… It is the end of a life……..the loss of a loved one, a friend, parent, child and even a pet. Healing grief….how does one really do that. Well, …
Summertime Blues…
There’s an old Rockabilly Classic that was recorded on March 28, 1958, and released July 21, 1958, by artist Eddie Cochran. Later recorded and released by Country Star, Alan Jackson in 1994. The title is “Summertime Blues”, but the catchphrase……”There Ain’t No Cure For The Summertime Blues” is what most folks remember. It’s a great song…..right up my musical alley. However, there really is a cure for the “Summertime Blues.” It’s ALL about you and your imagination! For those that …
A Letter to Me…
We have all said it. “I wish I could go back in time, with what I know now and do things differently.” Well, If I did just that, I wouldn’t be the woman that I am today. But there are so many things that I would put in a letter to me, to correct a few things and cheer me on. So, here goes… Dear Little One, Welcome to the world dear sweet baby girl. It’s April 29, 1961…. 12:22 …