My Favorite Things, Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration

Did You Hear That?

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Did you hear that…..it’s the sound of the ocean…crashing on the rocks….and then rolling onto the sandy shore…if you allow it….can have a calming and relaxing effect.

Did you hear that…..it’s the very first cry of a newborn baby….it can then make you cry…and melt your heart….because you know that it’s a blessing and a gift from God.

Did you hear that.….it’s several crickets playing their tunes…speaking to each other…late in the night. It’s their own little concert.

Did you hear that…..it’s the sound of children playing and laughing…at something silly…and not having a care in the world….oh….to be a kid again.

Did you hear that…..it’s that startling sound of a siren…not knowing what the problem may be…and praying for a good outcome…to whoever is involved….and hoping that it isn’t serious.

Did you hear that…..it’s the beating of my heart when I think of you…..yes…it’s true….because I always do.

Did you hear that…..it’s the birds chirping and waking up…early in the morning….when the sun is just beginning to shine.

Did you hear that…..it’s the loud popping sounds of fireworks galore….lighting up the dark sky with beautiful color….ringing in the new year…..while you are making all of your new years resolutions.

Did you hear that…..it’s the howling of the wind….blowing leaves across the street as a thunderstorm looms on the horizon.

Did you hear that…..it’s birds chirping a lovely song…signaling that Spring is in the air.

Did you hear that…..it’s the rustling of the multi-colored leaves…that have blown off of the trees and are now….crunching under your feet on a cool crisp Fall day.

Did you hear that…..it’s the song that you so often long to hear because it brings back emotion-filled memories.

Did you hear that…..it’s the crackling and popping sound as you watch the warm flames ignite in the fireplace on a cold winter’s night.

Did you hear that…..it’s the ringing of the bell as the ice cream man comes driving down your street awaiting all of the hopeful kids to buy that cold treat.

Did you hear that…..it’s the advice that your parents gave you all of those years ago…that you have now given to your own kids.

Did you hear that…..it’s the sound of the baseball hitting the bat on Opening Day…with the crowd….standing tall and cheering loud….be still my heart.

Did you hear that…..it’s the sounds of Christmas….the hustle and bustle of the shoppers….and the Christmas music being played.

Did you hear that…..it’s the laughter of families….spending time together….enjoying each other and just plain having fun.

Did you hear that…..it’s the sadness in my voice when having to say good-bye to someone that I love…..and letting go.

Did you hear that…..it’s the whispers in your ear…ever so softly….of your Angel’s that are always there….by your side to guide you through life….so listen closely.

Did you hear that…..it’s when your telephone rings in the middle of the night….frantically waking you up from a deep sleep….only to find out that “luckily” it was a wrong number.

Did you hear that…..it’s kids these days….talking about wishing that they were older…..listen closely little one…..growing older is so worth the wait…so take your time…soak it all in….but most of all….enjoy the ride.

Did you hear that…..well it’s as simple as the sound of silence….for some can be deafening….but for so many more….a welcoming friend.

Did you hear that….it’s when someone tells you that they are sorry…the is so hard for so many…but really necessary to make things right.

Did you hear that…..It’s those three little words….“I love you”…..say them often…..it’s something so small that packs a really big punch…and what we all long to hear.

Did you hear that…..


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  1. Marjie Mare says:

    This is such a beautiful post and it made me reflect. I will take the time to enjoy the little things. Thanks so much for bringing joy and hope with your post.

    1. It is my pleasure, Marjie. I really appreciate your kind words. 🙂

  2. I loved this entire piece. I needed to ‘hear’ all of this and remind myself of being more grateful each day. Blessings.

    1. Thank you so much, Beth. You, my friend, are an inspiration to me. 🙂

  3. Charlotte says:

    Beautiful 💕

    1. Thank you. 🙂

  4. So many sounds we tend to miss in our busyness. Thanks for the reminder to listen to the sounds of everyday that make our lives so blessed.

    1. Thank you, Kimberly.

  5. Love this, was only saying yesterday how nice it has been to stop and listen and to really hear all that surrounds us. Beautiful reflective post, thank you 🙏

    1. You’re welcome, Justine. I appreciate you for stopping by. Take care, safe travels.

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