My Favorite Things, Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration

My Heart It’s An Open Book

That’s right….you read the title right…..because…my heart….it’s an open book…but if you’ve read any of my other posts…then this should not come as any surprise to you at all. It’s simply my nature…it just who I am…and it’s the way I feel.

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I must confess…I wear my heart on my sleeve…that may sound “sappy”…but if you know me…and I mean really know me..then you will know just that. I have so many faults when it comes to my heart…. for starters…it’s an open book. Plain and simple…I am loved and I will love in return. Sometimes I will and can love so deeply that it overflows all the way…deep down in my soul. Where my family is concerned….they are my number one…hands down. I don’t care for or like any controversy whatsoever…so I will bend over backward just to make things right. It’s simply my nature…..because my heart’s an open book.

Unconditional love…I know…we all have it and will share it…freely at times even. But for me personally…once you are loved by me…there is no turning back….it’s a part of my anatomy…a part of my being. I have friendships from years long gone. The love that I carry in my heart for my friends is on a protective level…they are all like sisters and brothers to me….a bond that was formed then when we all least expected it….a bond that will last. The friendships that we made were all part of our journey in this world…I wouldn’t change a thing….except for any hurt on my part…for that I apologize.

Loves…..they come and go…some much stronger than others….and those that will run so deeply…that time alone will never even tear it apart…this type is priceless. My heart…. my friends….it’s an open book. I pour out my heart every day….to you with what I write. I feel that what I write…is something you may feel your self….or maybe even are currently living through. So on that particular level…we connect.

Conflict….the problem with having a heart that is an open book is that I am against negativity or any type of conflict. If I say something to someone that I feel may have hurt them in one way or another…then I am the first to right the wrong…my apology will surely follow. When two people that I know are unhappy I hurt for them…and try to help sort things out…I did that as a kid and have carried it into my adulthood. All because..my heart’s an open book.

Sadness…..the loss of a love of any nature….sometimes it can and usually will overwhelm my heart and drain my soul. I’ve learned to get comfort from the memories…. and the happiness that was there and the kindness that was shared……and try to move on. All because….my heart’s an open book.


What I have learned about me as the years have gone by…is that I am genuine….no surprises….no frills…I am the whole package. I feel that I am a good mother….daughter….sister…aunt….wife….coworker….and friend. I will always be there if needed…no questions asked….because as you know by now… my heart’s an open book.

Things Remembered

Letting go is always one of the hardest parts of anything…..even if you know it’s the right thing to do. Saying goodbye is even worse…it’s just so permanent. The very same goes for the passing of a loved one. The time is never right…even if you know in your heart of hearts that its that time…the hardest time…of saying goodbye….the hurt will always remain the same.

The hardest part of saying goodbye..is letting go.


In case you haven’t realized it my now…well I’m an old softy in so many ways. My life isn’t perfect…I never claimed that it is…but it is my life. I’ve learned the hard way that my heart can be so full one minute and then just as easily be torn apart the next…but have learned to realize… that it’s just a stepping stone in my life’s path. I am so honored and pleased that you have chosen to become a part of my journey….and see for yourself that my heart is an open book.

After reading this…can you relate….is your heart too an open book? It is so easy to lay it all out there and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Take the time to cherish what you have….remember what might have been…and above all…know that you are probably loved so much more than you may ever know…because you too my friend…may have a heart that will become an open book.



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  1. I love it Brenda! Thanks for sharing. That’s what God wanted me to do but I was hesitant. I hope through our journey as I start to speak adults will be more mindful of their actions and especially to children.

    Keep writing and share your book of life.

    1. Thank you, April. I have always learned to speak what I feel…often it is the best release. 🙂

  2. Thank you, Brenda, for another beautiful post! You are always such an inspiration! 🙂

    1. You’re so welcome, Sharon….and likewise my friend. 🙂

  3. A great post, Brenda! Yes, you are a softy and one of the most beautiful souls I have met and known. As you mentioned you can see it in what you write, and seeing your passion is what makes you such a great blogger! So from one open book to another, thank you for sharing!

    1. Your kind words mean the world to me…I am truly grateful for the “across the miles” friendship that we have gained.xo

  4. Good Morning, I always enjoy reading your blogs.
    LaTonya Bell

    1. Good Morning, LaTonya! Thank you so much for supporting my blog! 🙂

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