You probably don’t even realize it. But there are miracles all around you. They are absolutely everywhere. Sometimes they can be so small, that they are overlooked as a daily miracle. That’s because, when one thinks of a miracle, they only think of this big elaborate thing……the answer to their prayers. The definition of a miracle is…….. that the “word” miracle, is used to describe any beneficial event that is physically impossible or impossible to confirm by nature.
The Catholic Church believes that “Miracles” are works of God, either directly or through the prayers and intercessions of a specific Saint or Saints. However, the Catholic Church says that it maintains stringent requirements to validate the miracle’s authenticity.
In Christianity, “Miracles” are referred to as “signs” and the emphasis is on God demonstrating his underlying normal activities in remarkable ways.
In Hinduism....”Miracles” are focused on episodes of the liberation of the spirit.
In Islam…..”Miracle” in the Quran can be defined as a supernatural intervention in the life of human beings.
If you are lucky enough to see a shooting star. You close your eyes, take that deep breath and wish upon all wishes that this time, your miracle will happen. That your wish will become a reality. Or better yet, we look for that single star in the sky to recite:
“Starlight, star bright….the first star I see tonight…I wish I may, I wish I might…Have this wish, I wish tonight.”
But if you think about it…I mean really think about it. Miracles really do happen every day…..all day. These “little” miracles are in your life every day but they always go unnoticed. Each day you wake up, is a miracle and a blessing in itself. You’re breathing and able to start a new day. When your child makes it to school safely and then back home again, that too is a miracle. When you decide to take a different route because that little voice nudged you to do so. Then you hear that an auto accident occurred at the same time where you “would have” been at that same spot, but you weren’t. What do you think? Well, your Angels guided you. Doesn’t that seem like a miracle to you? It is living life every day, being with family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. These are all miracles that God is handing out. However, people just don’t look at it like that. Because these “simple non-frivolous things” are always taken for granted.
But…..when things get tough in our lives and we pray to God to help and guide us. He does just that. He is always there to hear us. However, it may not be the way we actually want or expect that help to be. You need to know that he guides us to where we need to be….. where we are supposed to be. Things will always seem to work out. These are God’s miracles at work.
Angels…..Gods helpers.
I hear it all the time, and I’m sure that you do too. “You’re such an Angel”. There are angels on earth to help God when answering prayers and creating miracles. They come into our lives when we least expect it. But the timing is always right, even if we don’t sometimes feel that it is. God knows, way before we do when we will need him. He hears our cries, our pleas, our prayers. His heart breaks when we hurt. But rest assured that he already has our miracles in motion. They will be answered, the miracles will be received. The prayers will be answered. Don’t give up hope, patience is a virtue. We all just have to keep the faith.