Family, Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration

A Letter to Me…

We have all said it. “I wish I could go back in time, with what I know now and do things differently.” Well, If I did just that, I wouldn’t be the woman that I am today. But there are so many things that I would put in a letter to me, to correct a few things and cheer me on. So, here goes…

Dear Little One,

Welcome to the world dear sweet baby girl. It’s April 29, 1961…. 12:22 pm… You’re such a tiny little thing at 5 lbs, 12 1/2 oz. Brenda Lorraine, mama picked your name. You have a big sister, Teresa. But you will call her Teri. She is two years older and can’t wait to meet you. You will one day, try and be her shadow….. want to do everything that she does, when she does. But slow down a little bit, give her and her friends some space. Just try really hard not to be a tag-along.

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Don’t tell anyone, but you will be daddy’s favorite. Everyone knows it and they will all be okay with it. Just try to share when it comes to daddy. You will have a baby sister, Tracey, that will come into your life when you are a little over a year old. You and she will become the best of friends. And finally, two baby brothers, Marc and Eric. Poor Marc, you will always pick on him and tell him that he’s adopted. It really hurts his feelings, so please try and be much kinder to him. He really does look up to you and needs your support and guidance. You will be in the fifth grade when Eric comes along and you will baby him as if he were your very own. He will be an unexpected surprise, that you will be so proud to show off!

Me, Teri, Tracey, and Mama

My hat is off to you for being such a good daughter. You are a chip off the old block when it comes to mama. You will soon come to realize that she will bend over backward for all of your kids. Never, ever putting herself first. Mama is a true saint. She is and will always be there for you. She has always held her five kids tightly under her wings, She has let us learn from our mistakes. But will always there to pick us up.


You will be a quiet soul in school. You need to try a bit harder to come out of your shell. For you will make so many, friends. Friends, that will remain in your life for many years to come. They will be “soul sisters” and that is very rare.

Things Remembered

High School……….. “Soul Sisters”

When you make your way to high school. Be sure to sign up for the classes that you may be too afraid to sign up for. There is no need to regret it later on in your life. Please remember that when the opportunity arises, and it will. Be sure to make “small talk” with the nice boy in the hallway that smiles at you. Remember, he’s nervous too.

My greatest production.

You will one day grow up to be a wife and a mother. Try not to be too sad, that you will never have a daughter of your own. God will bless you with a baby boy that will cherish the ground you walk on. Like mama, you will have a heart of gold and a desire to be there for others. You will forever put others first and you will be just fine with that. It is so important to know your worth, your value. There will come a time in your life where you will be knocked down emotionally. You will feel like you are spiraling downward. This is when you will find that God has given you the strength to get through anything. I promise…… it won’t last forever.

Me with my mama and brothers and sisters.

I am so proud of your sweet baby girl. The life you will live in a life that was already predestined for you. It is the life that will form the woman you will become. There really aren’t any “mistakes” that you can make along the way, only lessons to be learned.

As I write this to you, I’d like you to know that you will live to be happy and fulfilled. Just know that as you get to be older and life changes that there are many years still ahead of you. There is so much more living to do.

All my love, me.

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  1. Loved the letter to yourself. Such a great idea. Two months apart we share a tremendous love for our families and our writing.

    1. Thank you friend. I appreciate your kind words. 😉

  2. Sharon Taylor says:

    Omg…this is great! Good job!

    1. Thank you Sharon! That really means a lot. 🙂

  3. I love this. So beautiful and honest. Thank you for sharing x

    1. Thank you so much, for your kind words. 🙂

  4. Rosa Dobson says:

    I really love this. You are such an inspiration. Great Job on this blog.

    1. Thank you Rosa, that really means a lot to me, dear friend. 🙂

  5. beautiful

    1. Thank you Elissa, I appreciate it. 🙂

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