Beautiful Travels, My Favorite Things, Posts

10 “Glamping” Must-Haves

You really can’t appreciate camping, until you’ve gone “Glamour Camping” or better know as….. “Glamping”! I know what you’re thinking. That’s not true camping. Well, you may be right to a degree. Because so many people simply love just “roughing it” out in the “wild blue yonder”…….As for me……not so much! I love the great outdoors. But I need some of my amenities, from my normal day to day living to really enjoy camping. With all due respect to ALL of the contestants from the hit reality TV show Survivor”, I have no desire to do that type of camping!

Must-Have # 1 …….A bathroom! Primarily a “real” bathroom! Hands down this are first and foremost my main necessity. Believe me….you will appreciate the privacy. Not to mention, running water! Because a nice warm shower is always a wonderful thing. Don’t laugh…you know good and well, deep down inside you agree with me on this one! When I go camping, it is “glamping ” for us in our travel trailer! See….I’m beginning to make those non-believers…..believers!

Nothing like a campfire!
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So with that being said, this takes me right into the second most important thing that is needed when “glamping……”

Must-Have #2….… A coffee pot or my personal preference….a Keurig

Oh, I’ll gladly admit it. That you haven’t had a really good cup of coffee like you can get when you are sitting outside in front of a fire. I have had a nice cup of coffee when sitting out in a chair on a cold chilly morning while waiting for breakfast that is being cooked outdoors. It really is priceless. There truly isn’t anything else like it. But, I’m officially spoiled to our travel trailer…..so there is no going back to tent camping for me


Must-Have #3 ……..The RTIC Cup. Hands down, one of the best cups that I’ve come across. You’ll want one too!

Things Remembered

I have mine and I love it! You can put ice in it to keep your drink super cold and it takes forever for the ice to finally melt. The best part is that these cups just don’t sweat! So, there is no messy wet cup. Not to mention using this cup for coffee, soup or anything that you want to keep hot or cold. They come in several colors and sizes and are a must to have.

Except for their shape….. Yeti Cups are exactly the same and work just as well. It is simply a personal preference.

Must-have #4…….Bring a really good book or two! I love reading anything….. from autobiographies to romance novels. I just love a good book! But, I’m an old school so I prefer the real “McCoy” I want an actual book in my hands to hold and turn each page. I realize that just about everything is done electronically even books because it’s supposed to be easier. But for me, I like to feel the pages between my fingers. This is something for me that will never change.

Gotta Love a Good Book

Must-Have #5 A portable grill or smoker. Everything tastes so much better when cooked on a grill or smoker. The BEST burgers ever are “flame” grilled! Chicken, steaks, pork, seafood and vegetables are so much better when grilled.

Yummy Kabobs!

When grilling…..you’re hanging out with friends and family. Right outside of your RV, Travel Trailer or even “Pop-Up” Camper. Everyone is enjoying the company, the food, and fun. But you will always have the opportunity to go back inside…… if need be.

Juicy Burgers!

Must-Have #6………Air Conditioning! It’s an absolute necessity when living in Texas. But for me, it’s a mandatory requirement especially when “glamping”. I personally like it super cold when sleeping at night…..with a fluffy blanket too of course! Plain and simple….. I need my A.C.!

Must-Have #7……Board Games & Puzzles. Even though you may be “living it up” in your RV, Travel Trailer or Pop-Up camper, you may not always have access to the internet or cable TV. So this is when it’s a “no-brainer” to have board games and puzzles on hand. They will and do…..always come in handy. Some of our best times were to just turn off the TV, crank up the stereo and play Scrabble, Yahtzee or just work on a puzzle.

Nothing like a game of Scrabble!

Do Not Pass Go….Do Not Collect $200.00


Must-Have # 8……a pair of tennis shoes. You really don’t want to leave home without a decent pair. I for one can wear flip-flops all day long. But, when you least expect it…..you will need those tennis shoes. So pack accordingly!

Must-have #9.…….Whenever you can, be sure to bring your pet. We have Baxter and Riley, both are miniature schnauzers. I miss them way too much when we travel without them. Just like us humans. They enjoy getting away and going on an adventure. So if at all possible, bring them along…..you and they will be glad that you did.

Baxter to the left and Riley behind him. Relaxing in our travel trailer!!

Must-Have #10….. An appetite for adventure! Anyway, you look at it. Whether you are in a tent, camper, travel trailer or RV. The adventure of a lifetime is being outdoors….seeing nature at it’s best and even making new friends along the way. The journey awaits you……so what are you waiting for for…….get out there and “Glamp it Up!”

Our little piece of Paradise

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  1. Kathy Romans says:

    I love you’re top 10 must-haves and I would add a number 11…a great zero gravity recliner or hammock! The perfect place for reading a great book or taking a nice nap.

    1. Wow, Kathy I never thought about that…but you’re right!!

  2. google.com, pub-4203312099339445, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
    Custom Star Map

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