Once upon a time….in a land…far…far away…where “normalcy” was completely taken for granted, lived a world where millions and millions of people, sometimes lived beyond their means…or forgot what the meaning of what “family” really is. Better yet…..procrastinated because they would, “get to it later”…never took the time to just slow down….simply put….forgot how to live life from the heart.

A brand new year……January 01, 2020….full of goals….expectations…hopes, and dreams….but then it happened…..COVID 19. It threw a wrench in our proverbial fan of life…..a life that we once knew…would never be the same again. With social distancing…isolation….lockdowns…lay-offs the dreaded masks…..and sadly…the loss of so many lives. But what we’ve all forgotten…is that this will not last forever….it will go away even if it doesn’t feel like it….but being ten months in….we need to know that there is an end in sight…..and Christmas….oh….yes…Christmas… it’s a time that is full of magic and miracles…..just waiting for us all….you just have to Believe…..I Believe.

There has been so much negativity in this world….that was really building up prior to COVID 19…with all of the hatred…fighting….divisions of so many aspects all around the world…that there really is no wonder that something finally had to give….come to a head….and implode….yep….it took a pandemic to do just that. But the sad thing is…is that even though everything the world has been through this past ten months….there is still a division of sorts…..so many hard-headed people out there…what does it really have to take to make people listen anyway?

But what we all need to know…is that the time really is here to believe in the magic of Christmas….it comes from deep within one’s self…but again…you really must believe.
We all too often seem to “overlook” our everyday “miracles” that life already has to offer….the conception of a new life….the birth of a baby…overcoming an illness….falling in love…reconnecting with old friends…a long-awaited new job…a much-needed hug….a simple…”I love you.”

The “Magic of Christmas”……Christmas truly is magical….it comes from the heart….from believing in Santa Claus and all that comes with the innocence of it all.
The “Magic of Christmas”…..it’s not about what you give or get in the stocking that’s hung by the fireplace….or the great sale that you got in order to purchase the best Christmas present ever….no…not even remotely. If you’ve ever watched Dr. Seuss’s….”How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” then you would know…that Christmas isn’t about trinkets….or packages….or decorating…twinkling lights or even the beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Absolutely not….it lies within….within the very core of your heart and soul. It’s the way you feel about yourself and one another. It’s about being kind….having faith…never judging….being thankful….feeling blessed with what you already have. It is this…and so much more….that holds the key to the “Magic of Christmas.”
Our days will turn into night….and the madness of our current pandemic will eventually become a thing of the past. But…we must always remember….that the “Magic of Christmas” is year ’round…it’s always there for the giving and taking.

Always remember….my friend…it’s you that makes the “Magic of Christmas.” You that can spread..cheer…hope and love to anyone that comes into your life. My gift to you this Christmas Season….is that your heart’s desires….hopes and dreams…will reach the…”Magic of Christmas.”
Always remember…..Christmas is a Magical time….when anything can happen.
Merry Christmas….from me to you.
– Brenda
This is such a good reflection – so many negatives coming to a head, but a bit of Christmas magic is what the world needed right now.
Thank you, so much!
It’s nice to see there’s someone out there with a bit of positivity left in them, I guess I exist in the realism spectrum, so what you see as everyday miracles is just life to me with all its ups and downs
Thank you….but for me, I try to see the positive and good….life is too short to dwell on the negative. We all know, there is plenty of that out in the world. Take care.