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Classic Romance

Romeo and Juliette…..most everyone loves a good romance novel, I sure do. However, this one didn’t fare so well in the end. But the meaning behind it is the same for so many people…….finding love and romance.

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  1. a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. “in search of romance”
  2. a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life.
  3. an exciting, enjoyable love affair, especially one that is not serious or long-lasting.
  4. a book or movie dealing with love in a sentimental or idealized way.
  5. a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life.
  6. a medieval tale dealing with a hero of chivalry, of the kind common in the Romance languages. The literary game of romance.

Romance is an emotional feeling of love for or a strong attraction towards another person. But for some….. emotions and sensations of romantic love are widely associated with sexual attraction. Romantic feelings can exist without the expectation of physical consummation and be subsequently expressed.

Things Remembered

Types of Romance

Popular Romance..…the emotional aspect of “falling in love”. Predictable as well as unpredictable…ever so consuming of your time, energy and emotions. It’s intense and even out of control….physical, sexual and especially grand and demonstrative.

Divine or Spiritual Romance…. this can be realistic and ….optimistic as well as pessimistic, the theory that each person has a predetermined stance as an agent of choice, such as connecting with your “soulmate”. Our romantic love involvement has been drawn from sources personal, soulful and is connected as one. Infinite and intimate, such as the idea that love itself or the love of a God’s ‘unconditional love’ is or could be everlasting.

Passionate and Compassionate Love…

Passionate love is an arousal-driven emotion that often gives two people extreme feelings of happiness and can also give people feelings of anguish. Compassionate love is a form that creates a steadfast bond between two people and gives them feelings of peace.

The Romantic Movie

Well….that’s exactly what it is, a movie!!!! If true-life romance could play out the same way a “scripted” movie is…..well wouldn’t that be something! You know the one…..girl meets boy…..boy already has a girlfriend, then realizes the new girl is really “the one”. Oh come on….. you know the rest. Better yet, the good looking guy sweeps the girl off her feet. Wines and dines her says all of the right things. Is such the gentleman. But, does it really happen??? You Bet!!! That romantic relationship really is out there!

Oh…….But do I love a good romance, movie or book? Hands down, I’m guilty of watching probably every Hallmark Channel Movie that they’ve ever made! But that is me, with my romantic soft nature I own it! I can romance and be romanced with the best of ’em!!

But when it comes to reading. My very favorite romantic author hands down is Debbie Macomber. Her stories will make you feel like she’s taking you to of whatever city or town of the setting in each book. She is so detailed that you feel like you are being transformed into her romantic story. She has actually had several of her books become movies with the Hallmark Channel. But as they say…..the book is always better than the movie. I am to have had the opportunity to have met her at a book signing several years ago.

Romantic Jesters

Being a romantic at heart, I would like to inform those that are not very romantic or simply do not have a clue of the romantic concept. That even the smallest task will qualify as being romantic. Did you know that a simple little handwritten note, of “I love you” or maybe even a note saying,” I’ll miss you today” just sitting on the counter when your special someone comes home and is waiting for them….. will do wonders! It is very thoughtful, yet extremely romantic. A simple little hug or kiss on the cheek out of the blue is extremely romantic. It’s the simple, but rare jesters that will spark a flame and hug the heart of the one on the receiving end. A spur of the moment, lunch a special dessert brought home and yes flowers. We all love flowers. Even just a single stem. The romantic jesters are endless. Don’t forget the words. Kind spoken words and even flirty words when played outright will touch the heart and soul of the one you love.

Sometimes….words are not even necessary.

Romantic Heartbreak

As we all know….with romance there will sometimes always come heartbreak. The pain of a broken heart is for some….. completely unbearable. For some……It is a loss that is comparable to that of life. You cannot breathe and you feel like you cannot go on….but you will and you do. The lessons learned in that relationship is what was supposed to happen in order for you to grow emotionally. That very time in your life was supposed to happen…….suppose to take place….as hard as it can be. It is difficult to realize that, at that hard time in your life…but it is….what it is. You will recover from it.

Life Happens

We all want it. We sometimes even yearn for it. The romantic…...”Happily Ever After”. But what we all seem to forget is that romance never really has to diminish in a relationship….but it does and it’s up to you and your partner to keep the relationship alive. Because if you don’t add “spice to your life”, then things can change.

But then sadly life happens. Illness can play a big factor in a relationship. You or your partner become the caregiver in the relationship and because of that…romance is no more. The devastating passing of a life partner is a time in life that grieving will play a huge part. But….one day, your heart will open up again to new love and that is okay……it was meant to be. Or the biggest factor is that the two people just simply drift apart.

There Still Is Happily Ever After

My belief in life is that we will all have that “happily ever after” at any age in our lifetime and honestly it can happen more than once. So my advice is to never stop “Hoping and Dreaming” because we will all……. at one point or another in our lives…..can and will have “Lived Happily Ever After.”

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  1. Romance is often short-lived and arrives in short bursts, it never lasts forever all the time. There is the honeymoon period, but after that, it’s just normal love. Or like in some cases.

    1. Agreed!

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