My Favorite Things, Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration

Some Of My Favorite Loves….

CUPCAKES!!!!!! Be Still My Heart!!

I have a guilty pleasure and that is definitely cupcakes! I don’t really know what it is about them, but they are absolutely the greatest weakness of mine!! My downfall is that when I’m watching the Food Network Channel and the cupcake competitions are on….this is when I crave them the most! I’m not really a big “sweet” eater, but it’s hard for me to pass up a cupcake!

It’s kind of funny because I’m not really a big cake eater at all…..or cookies either for that matter. But I really do love a good cupcake. Who knows, maybe it’s the cute compact size of a cupcake…that’s already dressed in its own little disposable container! Just look around your neighborhood, these days there are cupcake bakery shops everywhere. The cupcakes are decorated just as fancy as a regular cake. Gone are the days of the “Plain Jane” Betty Crocker boxed cupcake! However, don’t knock those until you’ve tried ’em!

google.com, pub-4203312099339445, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Things Remembered

Be Still My Heart…..

My all-time favorite is a “Carrot Cake Cupcake”. That’s healthy…right!?


But……I will “take one for the team” and eat any other flavor……because as you already know…..cupcakes are my weakness.

Death By Cupcake!!

Fuel For The Soul

I have this little book that I purchased on March 03, 1995. The reason I know this, is because I am in the habit of writing the date I purchase a book on the front page flap. The name of it is “The Quiet Mind….sayings of White Eagle.” I have always kept this book in my bedroom, sitting right on top of another one of my favorite finds……“Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young I’ll tell you more about that find in a moment…..but first. …

The Quiet Mind. This little book of mine that measures 5″ x 3 1/2″, it’s the epitome of a “pocketbook” Every time that I travel, it comes right along with me.

It’s the perfect companion of every soul on it’s spiritual journey.

Every page of this tiny little book is full of powerful and encouraging words.


If you want to get a clear picture of any condition of your life, don’t try to see things with your nose on them! See them from the highest point, from the plane of spirit, and you will be surprised at how different your problems look.

We all yearn for words of encouragement…for guidance when we feel lost or even a light to shine our way. I take comfort in reading this book and you will too.

Wait for Guidance

Everything happens at the right moment, the acceptable time of the Lord. You on earth do not always know what that time is, but if you will follow the guidance of the spirit, waiting patiently for a clear indication for action, then you will be guided aright.

The Quiet Mind comes in response to many requests for a collection of White Eagle’s ‘sayings’ chosen to give guidance and help with the problems and experiences of every day.

The secret of strength lies in the quiet mind

—White Eagle—

Jesus Calling

This wonderful book was given to me by my younger sister, Tracey. This book is filled with daily devotions for every single day of the year. Every morning, I make it a point to read the devotion that is dedicated to that particular day. It is almost like the layout of the day to come. It’s sort of ironic, that on any given particular day. If I get busy in the morning and forget to read those days devotion, then I’ll read it in the evening. It just amazes me how “on point” the devotion of the day goes hand-in-hand to the day that I had already had…….good or bad.

I have given this book as a gift to several of my friends. It’s simply that beautiful. I know that once you pick one up to read it….you will feel the same way too.

These messages are meant to be read slowly, preferably in a quiet place. I invite you to keep a journal to record any thoughts or impressions you receive as you wait in His Presence. Remember that Jesus is Emmanuel,”God with us“. He bless you with His presence and Peace in ever-increasing measure.

–Sarah Young–

For the Love of Baseball

I have been a baseball fan for as long as I can remember. My little brother played little league with the Freeway Manor Little League back in the mid-’70s. My dad was the manager of the team the “Senators” that ended up winning a championship. My mom was on the booster club and my older sister and I would work in the concession stand! I really loved those days!

My first taste of Major League Baseball was going to the Astrodome….the Eight Wonder of the World! Did you know that the first baseball game played in the Astrodome was on April 09, 1965.? It was an exhibition game against the New York Yankees. The baseball heroes of that era were Nolan Ryan and Jose Cruz. Fast forward to the present day…..I had the honor of meeting them both. The pleasure was mine.

With Nolan Ryan March 2019

With Jose Cruz February 2017

Baseball….there’s nothing like it. When you’re at the game, the sights, the sounds, it’s unbelievable! The excitement from everyone is infectious! I’m a HUGE Houston Astros Fan. From when they were at their lowest in the stats to the World Series Champs of 2017! It’s simply the love of the game that I have for this team.

But you cannot enjoy the ambiance of a baseball game without the food offered at the stadium. Yes, I know…it’s “High-Dollar” food. But doesn’t it just taste better sitting in the stands with the crowds cheering? Well, if you haven’t tried it…you don’t know what your missing!

Baseball game, food and all of the excitement to go along with it….it doesn’t get any better than that…..except for a WIN of course!!

Love, love, love…..my Houston Astros!!

The Furry Feeling of My Four Legged Babies….

Most everyone has a pet, and that pet is probably a dog or two! We have two miniature schnauzers Riley 6 and Baxter 5. It amazes me how the smallest living things in my house……my fur babies are the “Kings of the Castle.” It’s clearly my fault….I’ve spoiled them rotten! But it’s really hard not to they “own” my heart.

Riley & Baxter

First they steal your heart…..then they steal your bed…..true fact.


Me with my “Baxie”

and my “Big Boy” Riley!

The love that my fur babies give is limitless and they don’t even know it. They are both the “little loves” of my life. I hope that you have one or maybe even two just like them!

So There You Have It!

Just the “tip of the iceberg” of the favorite things that I love. After reading my post, I hope that you will eat a cupcake or two. I promise you won’t regret it! Do check out the two books that are dear to my heart. Your heart and soul will thank you. Don’t forget about Baseball! Take in a game, just let loose and have a great time. But above all…..hug your pet(s) just a little bit tighter. They are only with us on this earth for a very short period of time. They love your hugs just as much as you love to give them.

Thank you so much, my friend, for stopping by. xo-Brenda

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  1. Lovely post. I love cupcakes too, your dog’s are very cute!

    1. Thanks Marian! 🙂

  2. Brenda, this was a great post! You do such great work and your personality shines through like a ray of sunshine, and I loved all the quotes and will be checking out those books you mentioned. Your dogs are adorable! Thank you for sharing!

    1. I’m so glad that you like it, Denise. All of my writing comes from the heart! As for my dogs, they’re my babies! 🙂

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