What Is The Golden Bloggerz Award? It’s an award made to motivate and reward all these amazing bloggers that work daily to serve their audience and they worth more recognition. Their priority is to do their best to help their readers solve their problems & reach their goals! Rules Place the award logo on your blog. Mention the rules. Thank whom ever nominated you and place a link to their website. Mention the awards creator and add a link to …
Fix Her Crown Award
Where do I begin really? I have been blessed…three times fold to be nominated on three separate occasions…that’s right…three times…I am overwhelmed with pride….and each nomination was just days away from each other…for this lovely award…“Fix Her Crown”. So at this time…it’s with great pleasure that I say….allow me to introduce you to these three wonderful women….each of which nominated me. Esme of EsmeSalon …..Kim of KimsDIYtribe and last…but certainly not least…Denise of Manyfacetsoflife. What can I say…these wonderful women…I …
Blogger Recognition Award
As you might imagine…I was completely surprised and honored to be nominated by a very dear blogger friend…that I truly look up to and admire with her work and you will too. Esme Salon..is such a lovely soul…with an amazing heart…and I am almost certain that you too, will agree with me once you visit her lovely blog…EsmeSalon. Her recipes are “to die for” and her dedication to fellow bloggers is “over the top.” She truly is an inspiration. I …
Mystery Blogger Award
Double Nomination! I am extremely honored and very blessed to have been nominated….not once…but twice…by two very kind and talented bloggers. Before I begin, allow me to introduce both bloggers that nominated me. First, there is April Key Rode and her beautiful travel blog is RodesOnTheRoad. Not only is she one of the sweetest people that you will ever meet…her blog is wonderful…full of travels from near and far that include her beautiful family. Next, I would love to introduce …
Sunshine Blogger Award #2
Thank you so much! For me….this is such a privilege to be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award for a second time. The Sunshine Blogger Award is given by bloggers to other bloggers that they find creative, inspiring, talented and entertaining. Since I’ve started blogging, exactly three months ago. One of the things I have to realize is the amazing network of bloggers out there. I have “virtually” met several bloggers from all around the world who blog on a …
Sunshine Blogger Award
Where shall I begin?! I am more that honored to receive this Award Nomination from Nadine with “Home of Understanding” https://homeofunderstanding.blog/ She has a beautiful website and I am so amazed at what a lovely young woman she is. I hope that you will take the time to check it out and read her posts. She will not disappoint. I would like to take the time to thank her again for this incredible honor. It truly means the world to …
Blogger Recognition Award
I was recently nominated by April at the Rodes on the Road for the Blogger Recognition Award! I thank you, from the bottom of my heart! I can’t believe it! Please take the time to go over to her site and show her some love. She’s got some really great content and is a great person! You can find her by clicking over to her website. https://www.rodesontheroad.com Now, there are a few rules associated with this award and they are …