Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration


Our lives change every single day….every minute….of every hour….and this primarily has so much to do with the choices that we make every single day. We are constantly trying to have everything perfect in our lives…the perfect body…the perfect job…the perfect relationship…the perfect…..everything. Having everything “perfect” it’s a little extreme….don’t you think? What’s the fun in that anyway? This is all about the fun in living….doing better….being better. It’s what keeps us on our toes…it’s what makes us tick….you got it…..striving for what is best for each and every one of us. That’s what life is all about…..so celebrate…..but then you must also appreciate.

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We need to celebrate each and every day of our lives…celebrate just living and breathing…so many lose their lives every day…and don’t have that chance. But we do….just don’t stop there….appreciate too…appreciate what you have and what life has to offer. We all have our own struggles in life…but this is all about our life’s journey…what we are supposed to be going through…the good…the bad…and yes…the ugly.

Way too often…so much in life is taken for granted and sometimes even just expecting of so much by so many…this really isn’t the way to live now, is it?

Don’t let life and all that is get you down…it’s simply not worth it. Take your time….enjoy the moment…let it all soak in…because before you know it….life has passed you by….and it just becomes a memory. Seldom in life are we given “do-overs”….at least not when we really would like one…or two. So take the time to stop and smell the roses…there is so much out there just waiting for us all.

“Stop and Smell the Roses”

There are and will be so many hard times in life….be it something as simple as hurt feelings…an argument or maybe even an illness…the loss of a job…a broken relationship…and sadly the end of life….they are all…..hard times in life. But saying this doesn’t make any of these challenges in life any easier. Because they are all examples of times in our lives that mold us….makes us who we are. I have said in other posts that I’ve written…is that our lives are predestined….sure…we can change our paths in life but more than anything our paths are meant for us to learn…love and grow.

The world is our oyster….so they say…it’s full of everything that life has to offer. So shouldn’t you do what you love….but yet….love what you do? Well…I say “yes….absolutely”.

Just don’t ever forget what matters most in your life….the people that care so much about you…the job…that you’re really good at..and the friends that believe in you. These things…and oh, so much more…is reason enough to celebrate and appreciate….all that you have.

Yes….it’s true….some have so much more than others….and yes it’s true…so many have to work so much harder than others….but in the end…what matters the most…is what you have…and the people that you care about and cares about you right back…..so there’s no need to compare…or even be a bit jealous….there’s no point in that….doing that will only weigh heavy on your heart and soul…and bring you down. Life really is too short for all of that nonsense.

Perfection…we all strive for it in one way or another…but clearly…we are only perfect in the eyes of the beholder…..so stop dwelling on personal perfection….you just may not find it…and don’t waste your life away trying to be that way….instead…rejoice in the person that you are and will continue to be…..celebrate….because life is too short….but above all….appreciate…because….we are all on this crazy ride called….life….together, my friend.

—- Brenda


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  1. This is a great post! Love the insights and it’s all so very true! We all need to better embrace ourselves and be happy with what we have!

    1. Thank you so much, Kelly. 🙂

  2. I love your thoughts here. I’m trying to work on practicing daily gratitude and appreciation for everything life has to offer!

    1. Thanks, Jen. I really appreciate your kind words.

  3. I love all the quotes. And this so very true, thank you for sharing.

    1. It’s my pleasure.

  4. google.com, pub-4203312099339445, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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