My Favorite Things, Posts, Sweet Soul Inspiration

Have You Ever?

Well, that really does depend on what you’re asking now, doesn’t it? This question….well it can apply to hundreds and hundreds of things….don’t you think? Well….yes…..absolutely. But for me….here is a list of my “Have You Ever”…let’s see if you can relate.

Have you ever…just sat somewhere in complete silence? Only hearing….the sounds of the world around you….sometimes silence can be overwhelming…even deafening at times….but then again can be so comforting….for me…and most of the time…it just peaceful and relaxing.

Have you ever…just wondered why people seem to be in such a hurry? I’m guilty at times…but then I realize…that I will never get that time back…so I really try and make a conscious effort to enjoy the moment…. won’t you give it a try too.

Have you ever…loved so deeply, that you can feel it all the way deep down to your very core? When only you knew that there would never be another love like it? Well…it’s true.

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Have you ever…just sat and watched a child play…as they are learning to explore new things for the very first time…not really knowing what lies ahead for them…but eager to see.

Have you ever…missed someone so much that you truly felt that the pain in your heart will never ever mend.

Have you ever…just done something on the spur of the moment…with no planning involved…and not really knowing where it would lead you.

Have you ever…just sat and watched hummingbirds fight for the same sweet nectar…it’s a magical dance all on its own.

Have you ever…ordered so much off of the menu…because you were “starving” and then realized…that your eyes were bigger than your stomach.

Have you ever…said something that really hurt someone’s feelings and realized that the damage had been done…and there were no, “take-backs.”

Have you ever… simply watched a commercial…that will bring a tear or two to your eye….happens to me every time.

Have you ever…sat through a scary movie…with either the blanket over your head….or better yet…your hands covering your face…while looking through your fingers…..I still do it…to this very day.

Have you ever… picked up the tab for someone else at a drive-through anything…I did once…at Starbuck’s…what a great feeling…you should try it…at least once.

Have you ever…sang a song to the radio and danced in the car…for everyone to see and not caring if they do. I still do….love it.

Have you ever…been tickled so hard that you can barely catch your breath.

Have you ever…felt butterflies…simply by thinking of someone.

Have you ever…just stared into the eyes of your little dog. It’s amazing really…it’s as if you are looking into their soul…and they into yours…give it a try…you won’t be disappointed.

Have you ever…wished with all of your might upon a star…because miracles do happen.

Have you ever…just left like throwing up your hands and running away from it all…knowing that it really wouldn’t solve anything anyway.

Have you ever…just sat on the beach and watched the waves roll onto the shore…just listening to the comfort of the ocean…with the breeze taking all of your cares away.

Have you ever…mentally put yourself in someone else’s shoes…to try and even a grasp even just a minute of what their life might really be like…because you know that if you did…you just might come to realize the hardships that others go through on a daily basis.

Have you ever…thanked your lucky stars for what you do have in your life today….at this very moment..and be grateful for just that.

Have you ever…prayed to the good lord above…to continue to care and watch over your family and friends….because that is what matters to you most in life.

Well, my friend…I really could go on and on. My hope for you is that you will go out….challenge yourself…take a risk….do something silly…be kind to a stranger…be brave..love strong…do it all.

Have you ever…go ahead…you fill in the rest.



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  1. Beautiful post. Inspired to do something new today!

    1. Thank you Jen!! 🙂

  2. I’ve done a lot of these things, but many I have not. It’s a good time to try something new. I think I will start by staring into this cute puppy’s eyes!

    1. Yay!! 🙂

  3. Wow that is inspiring! The list could be endless… ❤

    1. Thank you, Alice. I really appreciate it.

  4. Prachi says:

    Nicely written, very insightful post 🙂

    1. Thank you so much!!

  5. ashley owens says:

    Yes I felt so many of these i have done so many and felt so much

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