My Favorite Things, Posts

Happy First Birthday…My Angel’s Voice

Once upon a time….one year ago today…I hit the “launch button” setting free…My Angel’s Voice…for all the world to read. It was quite intimidating at first…I must add..and on an emotional level that was beyond my wildest expectations…..just by simply releasing to all of you….from my head and my heart….that is so full of all of my hopes and dreams.

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It’s really hard for me to believe that my built-up desire to write down all of my thoughts actually began in March 2019. But…wait…hold that thought and allow me to rewind….many…many moons ago….all the way back to high school even. I loved writing poems…just really whatever would pop into my head. But it never really went anywhere so I just pushed it aside. Years went by and I began writing children’s short stories …some of which I saved….packed away in a box on a shelf in my closet. In March of last year…I came across that box…and all of the memories of my writing came rushing back to me….and my desire was reignited. I felt that I was being “nudged” to write again…that little voice…continued to whisper in my ear…to do what I had always loved doing….so there you have it….”My Angel’s Voice” was born.

But for me…starting a blog….setting up a website…and all that goes along with it was very overwhelming for me…I was beginning to think that I bit off more than I could chew. Purchasing my domain name was a breeze….the rest….not so much. I actually became so frustrated that I closed my laptop and walked away from it for about three weeks. Finally…I went back to my laptop and took the blogging course from Heather and Pete Reese and I was able to get back on track and I was off to the races so to speak. Don’t get me wrong…frustration would rear its ugly head on more that one occasion…but I just kept muddling through. Finally, I could see a light at the end of the tunnel, so with that, I had set a “launch” goal of April 29th…my birthday to set sail…but I missed it by a few days…and instead my blog hit the “air-waves” on May 3, 2019.

It was very intimidating for me…at first…. when I put myself out there…but slowly over time, I came out of my shell and the rest as they say…..is history. It’s exciting…..I must add to share my thoughts with you all….the reward…for me is priceless.

During this process…I am honored to have earned the sponsored affiliates that grace…the space in my blog. But not only that…the blogging friends that I have made along the way….from not only in my own backyard….but also from all over the world….it is so heartwarming and is far more than I ever could have expected. We have all become friends and help each other along the way….we are an extended family of sorts.

My blog….my baby…..”My Angel’s Voice” ….it’s an extension of me…and with that….it’s an honor and a privilege…to share my heart with you. I cannot wait to see what year two will hold for me…the friends that I will make…and the dreams…that I have yet to dream.

I encourage anyone out there to go after their dreams…no matter how big or small….because the only thing that may be holding you back..is you. Always know that you are worth it.

Thank you….from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my first year’s journey. Stay tuned for so much more…I won’t let you down.

Always remember…..your angels are always there to guide…protect and care for you…I know this…because they told me.



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  1. Congratulations on completing your first year blogging, I reached that miles stone earlier this year. Keep on creating your amazing blog content, and I’ll see you at your next blog birthday

    1. It’s a date!! Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog! Take care. 🙂

  2. That’s super exciting!! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! 🙂

  3. Congratulations Brenda, what an amazing journey! I can’t believe I missed this post. We connected about a year ago too, on Golden Bloggerz, if I remember correctly. I have enjoyed all your posts and quotes throughout the year, and look forward to your new blogging adventures in the next year! You are an awesome lady, blogger and friend.❤️❤️

    1. Thank you so much, Denise. Yes, we sure did connect on Golden Bloggerz and I am truly grateful for that. Your friendship and support mean the world to me and I thank you. Lots of love to you, my friend! 🙂

  4. Congratulations on your first year! 🙂 Keep sharing stories x

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words.

  5. Congrats, and happy first blogging birthday.

    1. Thank you, so much, Iva!

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